Extreme Rules is the pay-per-view where the rules are overlooked for three hours each year in the WWE. Even Vince McMahon recently tweeted, "Because of the risk of injury, I will be crossing my fingers until Extreme Rules is over on Sunday." This year, Extreme Rules will air on Sunday, May 19.
Take a closer look at my predictions for WWE Extreme Rules 2013.
WWE Extreme Rules 2013 emanates from St. Louis, Mo. tonight. A plethora of wrestling history has happened under St. Louis' watch. So by comparison, Extreme Rules may come off like Madison Square Garden hosting the Butte County Fair.
Not to fear. Nothing a few dangerous, career-threatening stunts can't solve. And when it comes to dangerous stunts, WWE made sure to line up the best in the business for this one.
During One Night Stand in 2008—the pay-per-view which would eventually be replaced by the Extreme Rules franchise—Triple H countered an RKO by throwing Orton over the top ropes. This led to a shoulder injury that shelved Orton for several months.